From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Signs of Spring

Signs of spring have been here for a couple weeks now with the first offficial day of Spring just days away. The work in the fall and winter have cleared the path for little signs of life all over the place.

In November I planted eighty or so bulbs on the west and north sides of the house and in January I pruned back our giant hydrangea. Digging in the earth and cutting off the dead stuff months ago is now showing the fruits of my labor with new green shoots and little buds of life all over the yard.

We do the work then we wait. We wait and watch in wonder with open eyes and definitely with an open heart.

What have you been waiting for recently? What signs of new life are popping up in your world?

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:

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