mom writer, motherhood

Mad Woman by J.G. McGlothern

A wise associate once told me that it’s okay to be angry – it’s what you do with that anger that counts.  As I unravel my frustrations with motherhood and examine my thoughts and feelings I am aware that I am not an angry person, I just get angry often.

My brief moments of madness are quick flare ups expressed through being short tempered with my husband, yelling at my kids, losing focus and getting sad.  These moments are triggered by not taking care of my needs, by not being attentive to my little inner voice.  This voice is always nudging me, urging me to STOP and smell the roses, but I ignore it because I think that it would be too self indulgent. HA. Get a clue woman, I must tell myself.  Being a mother doesn’t mean being a martyr.  We give up so much that we forget it’s okay to take and receive.

But if anger motivates me to see a spiritual healer, get a massage, make an appointment with a counselor, take a long walk with a friend, then everyone benefits. The husband, the kids and even the dog, but most of all ME.  And for that I say AMEN.

We are the only ones holding us back from moving forward.  Growing from the struggle.  Listening to that little voice.