From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Memorial

Today is the day set aside to honor those who have served our country. A memorial is all about honoring one’s life. How do you honor those in your life who have gone on before you? What rituals do you create to remember and carry on those loved ones in your heart?

When I lived in Japan I joined a family for their annual weekend trip out to the country. At the time I didn’t know the purpose of the trip. A large group was gathering to pay respect to an uncle who had died 13 years ago. Through loose translation I learned that the odd numbered years of a loved ones passing have special significance and receive specific ritual.

As we gathered around the grave site of their dearly departed uncle, I noticed one brother pouring a full can of beer over the tombstone and another family member placing a lit cigarette on top of the tombstone. I called over my student, expecting an elaborate explanation of tradition and meaning. She explained that her uncle liked to drink and smoke. That’s it. A simple honoring of that person in their lives.

My grandparents died 30 something and 20 something years ago and I can’t pass a rose or taste a raspberry without thinking of them and their garden. My dad died 12 years ago and the mention of pie brings thoughts of my daddy to mind, every time.

We honor those we love and remember them with small gestures that keep them alive in our hearts.

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Master Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. She is also a co-facilitator at Seattle Life Coach Training ( You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Courage

Laying in bed this morning, a big part of me wanted to just continue to lay there. I wasn’t sad, I wasn’t confused or overwhelmed. I simply was going through the tasks before me in my mind and was figuring out the best mode of operation.

That’s when Nike comes in real handy and you tell yourself, Just Do It.

Courage, Mary Anne Radmacher says, doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”

For me courage is remembering what matters to my heart and soul and following that path, ignoring my fearful thoughts in my mind. It involves abandoning how it looks, how you look and jumping in with faith that it will all work out in the end.

Where in your life could you use a bit of courage? What would happen if you identified that area in your life and then just said, Screw it, I’m doing it anyway, I’m jumping in?

I bet the net would appear. I bet it would all work out in the end.

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Master Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:


Monday’s Random Thought: Enough

You are enough. Whole and complete without something or someone proving your worth. Simply enough. Period. End of story. Enough.

Now go delight in your being enough and all the beauty that is without doing any other damn thing.


Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Growing Friendships

Last night I attened an event with lots of women in attendance. I connected with a new face and had the gift of receiving some heartfelt sharing. When we spoke about filling our cup and self-care, she shared with me that right now in her life she is focusing on her friendships. By reaching out to her girlfriends and making time to cultivate and grow these relationships she is filling her cup.

I drove home of course thinking about friendships.

My mom will turn 82 next month and seems to be more surrounded with friendships that matter to her than ever before. Raising us children, working full time and navigating the world of divorce I don’t remember my mom spending lots of time cultivating her friendships. Over the years she has shared with me how reaching out to girlfriends wasn’t something that came naturally to her. It is something she has had to work at and grow into.

For me, the youngest of four kids, with a pretty big age difference between me and my older siblings my friends were all I had. I feel abundantly grateful to still be able to call friends I have known since we were babies, grade school, high school and college. Now in my mid-fourties I have not stopped creating friendships that matter. We grow and change and often those friendships grow and change with us and sometimes they separate and go their different paths.

This woman I met last night is at a place where she recognizes how much her girlfriend relationships matter in her world. She is aware of the light and fullness they add to her life. Her awareness has reminded me of how I just don’t know what I would do without the chicas in my life who love me, supporting and acknowledging all that I do and all that I am. My girlfriends get me, honor who I am without trying to change me and I am blessed. My heart is full with gratitude.

Thank you lovely lady in purple last night for your inspiration last night. See, we all need each other, for one woman’s path inspires another’s journey.

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website: