From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: All Heady

Do the thoughts in your head fill you up or bring you down? Are they life giving or life depleting?

When you look in the mirror are the little messages running rampant in your mind speaking words of love and kindness or fear and shame? As you wake in the morning is the first thought dancing in your mind filled with good vibes that will carry you through the day or will you admit the opposite?

Today, I invite you if you are willing, to pay attention to your thoughts and see how they are serving you, your life and all those in your world.

I am curious if a shift in your head will also create a shift in you heart. What do you think?

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Blessed

Yesterday, Easter Sunday, my good friend who happens to be our neighbor, invited my family over to join in a Polish Blessing that has been a tradition in her family her whole life.

She had a lovely gathering of folks celebrating the day for Easter dinner and before the meal we all participated in a tradition that was new to all of us.

Each person is given a plate of hard boiled egg and kielbasa and we all take turns exchanging individual blessings of health and happiness to those gathered. We made our way to each other offering blessed word with our egg and meat.

May your year be blessed with health and happiness, is how we started each blessing. Then you added your own prayer for the other. By the time we were finished not only had I been given nearly a dozen blessings, I had been the receiver of a boat load of blessings. My days ahead were paved with blessings. I received the gift of being touched my another’s heartfelt good intentions and I was bathed in love, light and rebirth.

We don’t always have to have a plate of egg and meat and formal words to bless another. We can pass a stranger, be with a friend, share words with a loved one and those words, even silent ones, can bless the other. Be an offfering of light for their journey ahead.

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Be Impeccable

In The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, the author tells us that the first of the four agreements, Be Impeccable With Your Word, is so important that with just this first agreemet you will be able to transcend to the level of existence I call heaven on earth.

This powerful way of being isn’t as easy as it sounds. Our words become our habits our way of existence our natural responses to life. One word alone can move mountains. I think we forget about the life giving power of our words.

What would happen if we spoke with awareness and intention with the words we put out into the air? What if we stood by our words, making ourselves accountable? What if we paused before uttering a word and thought about the purpose and meaning behind what we were about to speak?

Would there be kinder words spoken? Less violence with our word choices? Would we see mountains move before our very eyes?

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website:

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Big Assumption

I grew up in the Catholic tradition where it was customary to give up something during Lent (the forty days preceding Easter). As I continue to grow up learning from other traditions and listenting to the divine wisdom within, this Lent I didn’t give anything up, instead I chose to expand my heart with one step. These days of Lent I have decided “not to assume.” Assumption has been a big part of my life. Assuming other’s thoughts, opinions and actions has only gotten in the way when it comes to creating relationships.

When I assume I know another’s words before they speak or their actions before they act, I am cheating them of their own truth. At the same time when I make assumptions about myself based on prior experience I am robbing my own potential and possibility.

More than half way in to Lent, I haven’t abandoned my natural tendency to assume. I have stumbled and I have gotten back up again. Being aware has been half the battle. With each new step, continuing to practice making room instead of assuming, I am learning a lot about myself. Almost as much as I am learning about others.

Where in your life can you make more room for yourself or another by abandoning assumption?

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. You can find her on FaceBook, or visit her website: