From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: It will happen regardless

The turkey carcass is just ready to be made into soup and the last of the pie is only beginning to settle in my belly as I click the order button on the internet for Christmas cards. It is STILL November.

The swift move from Thanksgiving to Christmas floors me every year. But this year instead of judging others lights being hung and trees being trimmed before the calendar changes to a new month, I am looking at it as others GREAT EXPECTATION. They are thrilled, excited, ready in their hearts for holiday cheer.

I am going to spend the few days left in November to reflect on how I want Christmas to unfold this year in my life. I am going to take out the “shoulds”, let go of the “musts” and aim to discover joy and light in the just “being.”

Newsflash: No matter how much or how little you spend dollar- wise, Christmas will still come. No matter what you do or don’t do, the delight of the season will still be within reach. When it comes to this time of year you can honor your own traditions by making a new onelistening to what YOU want to do.

by J.G. McGlothern

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Bad Call

Attending last night’s Seattle Sounder soccer game against L.A. Galaxy was more than just a game.  It was the Western Conference Playoff Championship for the Sounders and a spiritual lesson for me.

I arrived at half time, joining my family already in attendance. You could feel the energy of the crowd when I walked into the stadium. I was emotionally exhausted from a weekend of Life Coach training. All good stuff, just stepping into new awareness had left me tired and ready to crawl into the covers.

Looking for parking allowed me some time to shift gears from being in a classroom of deep feelers and thinkers to a stadium full of folks eager for a good soccer match. I fired myself up to step into the stadium seats next to my family with beer and hot dog in hand.

The crowd was restless and on fire.  Lots of boo-ing.  Explosive shouts to the ref. An entire stadium full of anticipation. Plenty of cussing. At one point the guy behind us apologized for his words, at which both our kids responded with, Oh, it’s okay, we hear worse from our mom. A fair call.

At one point, an L.A. player pushed and tripped a Sounder, which triggered the response of another Sounder to get involved in the pushing. Before you could blink, L.A. was taking a PK on us. Sounder’s goalie, Michael Gspurning immediately took command by encouraging his team to shake off the “bad call”. It was time to be positive.

The ball went in giving L.A. their first and only goal of the night causing the crowd to go wild with frustration over the call that allowed for the PK to happen. Despite the chance of Seattle winning the Championship was slipping further away with the ticking of the time clock, the players were mad, the crowd unruly…the goalie was full of optimism. He got a hold of the ball that gave L.A. their one point and ran up the field to his team mates, shouting words of encouragement. He wasn’t going to let a bad call shake his team. You could see his positive energy rising above the disappointment of a bad call, a difference of opinion, a totally opposite point of view.

This is sports. This happens a lot.

As in life, bad calls happen. Bad calls happen a lot. It is only when we let these bad calls define us, that we lose.  When we choose, like Gspurning did, to rise above, leave the past and move forward, all we can do is win, regardless of the final score.

Where in your life are you letting others words, opinions, decisions, points of view, block your going forward?

A fair question. Your call.

by J.G. McGlothern

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Energy Responsibility

My husband often wakes up with songs in his head. You never know if it will be the Go-Go’s, Maroon 5, or Queen.  When the kids were young, it was usually The Wiggles. Those were the nightmare mornings.

Recently I woke up in a grumpy mood. I really could have used a song in my head. I walked into the kitchen and was just angry at the smallness of the space. I made the kids’ breakfasts and packed their school lunches practically cursing under my breath at the small space of our kitchen.  Geez, I must have had a bad dream or something because there was no grateful bone in my body. I was downright crabby.

Later that morning with the kids at school, I decided to go through some papers and clear out the unnecessary. In my tossing and sorting I discovered gold in the form of a large envelope from my friend, Sue. She mailed it to me last May. She was clearing out her own stuff and decided to pass on inspiring, interesting material or throw it out. The unopened envelope was full of articles that she knew I would value. I spent time reading, tossing some but keeping others.

Then a turquoise sign caught my eye, Please take RESPONSIBILITY for the ENERGY You Bring Into This Space!

A new quote for the fridge. The perfect sign to catch my eye when I walk into the kitchen.

It’s been there for a few weeks now and whatever the reason for my grumpiness, a bad dream, lack of caffeine, the sign reminds me to take a breath. I have a choice, I can gripe about having a small kitchen or I can choose to bring positive energy into my space, not matter the size.

There are times when it is so easy to blame others for my mood or circumstance. When I take a moment to shift my mood and own it, everybody wins.

And if all that fails, I just turn on the music and dance. The best energy equalizer in my book is music.

by J.G. McGlothern

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: A Vote from the Heart

Anything to do with politics makes me sweat. Funny to think that I was a Political Science Major in College…if even for a nanosecond, before I switched my major. Fortunately, I took some time to really figure out what I wanted, what mattered to me.

With political issues, often the details are so unclear and the candidates can be full of so much hot air I too am dazed and confused. I am exhausted from the trash talk. Baffled by the big words.

Despite my annoyance, bitterness and confusion, I get to vote. I am being asked for my opinion and I get to fill in the bubble of my choice.

I have found when I get lost in the words, or off track with the big egos, it is best to quiet my mind and ask my heart what choice gives me the most peace.

It just takes a nanosecond and I am clear on which bubble to fill in. When I look within and block out the noise, the answer is simple. It is the one that brings me the most peace.

by J.G. McGlothern