From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Monday Monday

My son is not a fan of Mondays. Who wants to leave the security of home and comfort after two days of relaxation, no agenda, and what some may call freedom?
My husband gets antsy on Sunday nights, anticipating the work week.
I on the other hand, embrace Mondays. A fresh start. Everyone is out of the house for a bit. I love agenda.
Exchanging pleasantries at the grocery store on a Monday I will often get a response to the question, How are you?… Okay, for a Monday.
What does that mean exactly? Just ‘cause it’s Monday we have to be down, bummed out and saddened by leaving the weekend?

I say switch the thought. I say, Let’s be awesome not because it is Monday, but because it is a day and it is ours and we can make it our own.

You can want to slap me for my positivity on a Monday. But it’s a day like any other and I say we see what can happen if we stop giving it such a bad rap.

by J.G. McGlothern

From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Healing Stretch

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. – Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Some days I wake up wanting to heal all the broken parts of the world so that I can live WHOLE. Then other days I wake up fully aware of just one part of me that is broken, with out-stretched hands, I stand in a HOLY place. – J.G. McGlothern


From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Relationship Issues

When it comes to relationships, we all want the best. We desire to cultivate healthy relationships with our partners, spouses, children, relatives, friends, our teachers, neighbors and those we encounter and interact with throughout our lives.

Manifesting those healthy relationships and maintaining them requires one basic first step…to have a healthy, loving relationship with you. Yes, with yourself. If you don’t take time to honor your needs, to listen to your own longings of your heart, to show up for you, how will you be able to do it in the relationships in your life?

Show up to yourself and the rest will follow.

by J.G. McGlothern

From The Heart, mom writer

Monday’s Random Thought: Mind Games and Bird Song

Even on grey, dark days, birds sing.

Saturday I was having one of those, this isn’t how I want the day to go days. Nothing was going wrong. Things were just going differently than I imagined in my brain. I get these thoughts of how I want things to go – then when they go differently my mood shifts. I am disappointed, feel off track and out of whack. Bummed.

I feel bummed because I am listening to the thoughts in my head, “The morning isn’t going how I planned.” “It is so hard to be a family.” “No one listens to me.”

Mid-afternoon I knew what I needed to do and most importantly what I wanted to do. I wanted to get out of my head, shift my thoughts, ground myself in my truth again. I laced up my sneakers and grabbed the dog leash.

Walking outside on the grey, dark Saturday afternoon I noticed something when I took some deep breaths and got out of my head.

Even on grey, dark days, birds sing.

As I walked and took breaths, grounded myself in gratitude and turned my thoughts to positive ones, “The day is going perfectly,” “I love and appreciate my family,” “I matter and I am heard,”… I heard the beautiful bird song around me. After coming back home in my mind and listening to my heart I picked up my pace, ready to go back home to my family.

The mind is a powerful thing and when I use it to get back to my truth, ground myself in the present, I discover that even on grey, dark days, birds sing, I just have to open my ears and listen.

by J.G. McGlothern