mom writer, writer mom

Remembering Who I Am-Rediscovering The Woman Behind The Mom by J.G. McGlothern

In the striving to live out my authentic self I must remember to stay calm. With the puppy whining, the dishes piled high, the children hungry and needing to get to school, I must take a breath, turn my heart from anger and have faith. Faith in the belief that I will have time for me, I will reach my dreams. The whining, poop pick-ups, arguments, and accumulated dust are all part of the journey. The trick is to not let the distractions, the life necessities consume me. I can still dream, be creative in between the chaos. Just take a breath, walk the dog and see that chore as a gift to be outside, an opportunity to dream a little. Perhaps gather story ideas. Move my body and clear my head.

mom writer, writer mom

Mom anger continued… 

There are so many pre-conceived notions out there about staying home with our children. “Angry” moms might not fit in that category. But it deserves its own category because there are many of us. The anger comes when our cup is empty. Full cup equals happy, mellow mama.  IT IS OKAY and even more OKAY to admit, that we have our moments, days and weeks of anger.  We aren’t doing anyone any good to stay in that anger for it only robs us of the joy and beauty we deserve in our lives.