
Monday’s Random Thought: What Can I Learn?

Someone else’s discovery sent my way. Makes me smile when you readers send me hearts, thank you.

No one likes to be angry or frustrated? It would be uncommon for us to delight in jealousy, sadness, doubt, or fear. These emotions aren’t on the top ten list of how people desire to feel nor are they things people long to experience. They are however, a part of life. These feelings can surface more often than we desire. Instead of ignoring them we can learn from them. All emotions are our teachers, even the ugly, uncomfortable ones.  

I recently had the opportunity to learn from my anger. Instead of hushing it I got in touch with it and became curious about it even showing up.  It was here to offer me a lesson and I had a choice whether or not I would receive its blessing. It was a gift for me to open. I became the talk show host in my mind and interviewed it. Asking it all sorts of questions. Poking and prodding with inquisitiveness.  It provided me with clarity, giving me the space to practice patience, offer forgiveness and find my voice.

I have learned over and over that undesirable emotions will continue to surface until I have fully received their lesson. Is there a lesson out there for you to learn as it invites you to grow with it’s unwanted appearance? Instead of being in a rush to make it disappear, what would unfold if you got curious about the opportunity and embraced its lesson?

Hi, I’m Jenny Gwinn McGlothern, Certified Transformational Master Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. As founder of my retreat business, Mama Needs A Refill, LLC, one way I know I fill my cup is by showing up to a blank page to write. Thank you for stopping by and reading my Random Monday Thoughts, because I will be honest that fills my cup too, knowing others are reading my filled page. Life is too short to blog about anything else unless it touches my heart. Please know I appreciate you joining me on this journey whether you visit every week since I began in 2008 or this is your first blog stop.

Interested in life or spiritual coaching or want to learn more about my retreats in Seattle, please find me on FaceBook, www.FaceBook.com/MamaNeedsARefill or visit my website: www.mamaneedsarefill.com)

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