From The Heart

Monday’s Random Thought: Oh, Where Do I Begin?

I am the lover of walks with my dog Buford and I am so grateful for discovering this heart, high up on a tree Sunday morning. Although I pass this tree often, I love that this was a new discovery.

This post is inspired by and dedicated to my student at Seattle Life Coach Training, Becky. Becky is full of love and teaching her one weekend recently she shared with me a “game” she plays with loved ones. It all starts with, “I am the Lover of…” and you fill in the blank. She is creating a Blog with the same title, I can’t wait to see it and I will share it here with you.

What am I the lover of she asks, oh, where do I begin, I reply.

I am the lover of all things in the shape of a heart, form of a cup or figure of an angel.

I am the lover of going deep with laughter, feelings, expression and of course words.

I am the lover of my hubby’s hair, the whiter it gets the more excited I become. I am the lover of how he supports me, makes me laugh like no other and finishes my sentences, even when he picks the wrong words. I love how he is my best friend. I love how I have ten best friends but he is the one I get to share a bed with even though I am not a lover of sharing a bed with anyone.

I am the lover of my daughter’s strong sense of herself, sweet voice and hearty hugs.

I am the lover of my son’s vulnerable heart, chocolate eyes and cheeky kisses.

I am the lover of the messiness of divorce, mental illness and family dysfunction for it brought me to grace.

I am the lover of all things that represent God, for me that begins with the moon, the trees, communion, all that I can’t see and all that I feel deep in my gut down to my toes.

I am the lover of this life as it continues to unfold within me, above me, through me, in front of me and all around, even in the dark corners.

I am the lover of first drafts and even more so, the lover of do-overs.

I leave you dear reader, with this first draft as I brew another cup of tea and make pancakes for my children, who I am more the lover of when they sleep in late like this, which reminds me, I left out my favorite topic, food. I will leave you wondering what food I am the lover of as you create your own list of all that captures your heart and fills your soul. I have not yet told you, my favorite phrase is the one that ends with a question, so dear reader, what are you the lover of?

Hi, I’m Jenny Gwinn McGlothern, Certified Transformational Master Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. As founder of my retreat business, Mama Needs A Refill, LLC, one way I know I fill my cup is by showing up to a blank page to write. Thank you for stopping by and reading my Random Monday Thoughts, because I will be honest that fills my cup too, knowing others are reading my filled page. Life is too short to blog about anything else unless it touches my heart. Please know I appreciate you joining me on this journey whether you visit every week since I began in 2008 or this is your first blog stop.

Interested in life or spiritual coaching or want to learn more about my retreats in Seattle, please find me on FaceBook, or visit my website:, or simply call or text, 206 255 0463.

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