From The Heart, Uncategorized

Monday’s Random Thought: A Step

A reader sent me this lovely one found in her path, not an obstacle, a sign to keep moving forward!

“I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” – Thomas Alva Edison

Often when it comes to reaching a goal, fulfilling a dream, living out a desired thought we stay standing still for fear of making the wrong step. Thomas Edison, a man who knows a thing or two about getting shit done, offers an enlightened approach. In his quote above it is as if he is whispering, Move your feet and if that is the wrong step, great, you still have moved your feet.

What is paralyzing you from moving forward? Whatever it is, fear, anxiety, perfection, dread, invite it along for the ride if it won’t get out of the way. Step anyway with that nagging bugger at your side.


Hi, I’m Jenny Gwinn McGlothern, Certified Transformational Master Life Coach, Retreat Leader and Writer. As founder of my retreat business, Mama Needs A Refill, LLC, one way I know I fill my cup is by showing up to a blank page to write. Thank you for stopping by and reading my Random Monday Thoughts, because I will be honest that fills my cup too, knowing others are reading my filled page. Life is too short to blog about anything else unless it touches my heart. Please know I appreciate you joining me on this journey whether you visit every week since I began in 2008 or this is your first blog stop.

Interested in life or spiritual coaching or want to learn more about my retreats in Seattle, please find me on FaceBook, or visit my website:, or simply call or text, 206 255 0463.

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